Recovery Friendly Workplace Designation Awarded to Buddeez Manufacturing Company

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Written by Ann McCauley Buddeez Manufacturing Company in Union, Missouri, became the third business in the state to receive the Recovery Friendly Workplace designation. Ann McCauley, the Director of the Rural Opioids Technical Assistance (ROTA) Project and the Recovery Friendly … Continued

Medical Marijuana Testing on the Workforce

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The problem As of June 2022, medicinal marijuana was legal in 37 states (recreational marijuana in 19 states) (NCSL, 2022) and approximately ⅔ of Americans thought marijuana should be legalized (Gallup, 2020). Cannabis is the most prevalently used illicit drug, … Continued

Part III: What Happens Now? How Does a Brain Adjust After Recovery?

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When a person decides to recover, it is not an easy process. Like any chronic disease, one must be deliberate and strong to create a new normal that benefits their life. “Drug withdrawal is a physiological response to the sudden … Continued

Part II: Is it Really a Choice? The Brain During Substance Use Disorder

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Why is it hard for some people to stop using substances; do they lack the will power? No, it’s because the substance itself has stolen the normal balance of the brain (Shatterproof, 2022b). Substance Use Disorder (SUD) is a brain … Continued