Part II: Is it Really a Choice? The Brain During Substance Use Disorder

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Why is it hard for some people to stop using substances; do they lack the will power? No, it’s because the substance itself has stolen the normal balance of the brain (Shatterproof, 2022b). Substance Use Disorder (SUD) is a brain … Continued

Part I: Understanding the Brain Before, During and After Substance Use Disorder

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When we take our first breath, our eyes open to our new world. Our family could be big or only a mighty number of one. Our skin may be any combination of honey, amber, cocoa bean, bronze, and ivory. Our … Continued

How Do We Dispose of Unused and Expired Prescription Drugs?

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Many of us have prescription medicines that are unused, expired and potentially dangerous to our loved ones. Whether it be a half-used bottle of oxycodone prescribed after surgery, or a group of filled prescription bottles sitting on the kitchen table … Continued

Community Conversations

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In January and February, the ROTA team held five community conversations in every workforce region in Missouri. Local community leaders, workforce, business representatives, and social service agencies came together to discuss the Recovery Friendly Workplace initiative and local community needs … Continued

Language Matters

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Would you like to know a tactic that may alter the course of recovery for those with substance use disorder? It’s simple, use Person-First Language. A common quote that is heard in the recovery world is, “the opposite of addiction … Continued